Change Requests

Requests for changes to UCPath configuration or department information may be made through the change request forms.

Change Request Forms

A valid UC Davis login/password is required to access the change request forms.

Department ChangesUse this request form to change a department name, change the main building location for a department, or inactivate a department.
Division RealignmentRequest to realign (move) department from one division to another division.
Location Request

Request to add, update, or delete location.

*For a list of current location codes, please log into Cognos and run the UCP-706 Location Listing Report.

New Department Request

Request to create a new HR department in UCPath.

UC Davis Health Medical Center - Download this form and follow the instructions within.
SOM/SON or Campus -  Download this form and follow the instructions within.
UCPath Change RequestRequest that would require a configuration change in UCPath.