Finance/General Ledger

Welcome to the General Ledger (GL) page. Here you will find UCPath finance processing calendars, tips and information on current known issues.

UCPath Center GL Processing Calendar

The GL Processing Calendar shows the payroll processing calendar as a baseline with details on when Salary Cost Transfers (SCT), Benefit Cost Transfers (BCT), and other updates will be processed. See the last page of the document for definitions.

  • GL Processing Calendar for January - March 2024 has been added
GL Processing Calendar April-June 2025PDF Posted 03-20-2025
GL Processing Calendar January-March 2025PDF Updated 01-15-2025
Direct Retro Processing Schedule Excel File Posted 10-11-2023
Salary Cost Transfer Processing Schedule Excel File Updated 03-20-2025

System Updates | Finance Functions in UCPath

SCT Defect Causing Additional Lines for Deduction Codes:

UCPath has identified a critical issue affecting 83 SCT transactions that were posted between Dec 2024 and Jan 2025. This defect was a result of the UCPath November release.  Additional transaction lines related to the following deduction codes were generated because of this defect.:

  • Graduate Student Health Remission (507000)
  • Graduate Student Fee Remission (508120)
  • Nonresident Fee Remission (508130)
  • 2nd/3rd Year NRST Remission (508132)

UCPath is currently taking corrective actions to reverse these erroneous SCT transactions and ensure the proper transaction lines are posted. A list of all impacted transactions is attached for your reference.

Deadline for 2023 and Earlier Cost Transfers: December 31, 2024
Cost transfers for payroll and non-payroll expenses dated 2023 or earlier must be manually processed by the central office. If you have a cost transfer for 2023 or earlier date, you must submit by Tuesday, December 31, 2024, for processing. For detailed instructions on submitting, refer to the Cost Transfers for Expenses Dated 2023 or Earlier knowledge article. 
General Ledger Assessments: Phase 2 
The GL Assessments: Phase 2 project will be implemented as a part of the UCPath November Release going live on November 25, 2024.

View the Quick Reference Guide
The UCPath Center will update the following assessments for retroactive payments using the rates that were in effect at the time the work was originally performed, rather than the current pay period rate
  • CBR (Composite Benefit Rate)
  • GAEL (General Auto Employment Liability)
  • VLA (Vacation Leave Assessment)
    • RPNI will remain the same using Pay End Date for the calculation.
    • No historical calculations will be updated, this change will only be effective as of November 25th ,2024.

Current State

Future State 
Beginning: November 25th 2024

  • CBR, GAEL, VLA are calculated using Pay Period dates
  • RPNI is calculated using Pay Period Date
  • CBR, GAEL, VLA are calculated using UC Earn End Date
  • RPNI is calculated using Pay Period Date


SCT Processing Schedule Change
UCPath Center has cancelled the previously scheduled SCT batch runs scheduled to run on 2/13/2024 and 2/16/2024. The GL Processing Calendar January-March 2024 and Salary Cost Transfer Processing Schedule on this site have been updated to reflect this change. The next SCT batch run will run at the previously scheduled date of 2/20/2024. Posted 2/13/2024
UCPath Aggie Enterprise

On January 8, 2024, the UCPath system will go live with the new Chart of Accounts. The following information and additional guidance can be found on the Aggie Enterprise Cutover and Freeze Date Guidance website:


Key Dates
Key Information
Additional Information and Guidance

December 10, 2023 


Last day to approve Salary Cost Transfers (SCT) in UCPath.

Salary Cost Transfers must be fully approved by 8:00pm.

Access note: UCPath transactors will still see the Salary Cost Transfer process available until the General Ledger module lockdown on December 20th; however, any SCTs submitted after the December 10th deadline will not be processed.

December 19, 2023


Last day to approve Direct Retros and Benefit Costs Transfers in UCPath.Direct Retros and Benefit Cost Transfers must be fully approved by 5:00pm.
December 20, 2023

UCPath transactors will be locked out of the General Ledger module, from 12/20/2023 thru 1/7/2024 users will not be able to access:

  • Funding entries*
  • Salary Cost Transfers
        (see 12/10 deadline)
  • Direct Retros
        (see 12/19 deadline)
  • Benefit Cost Transfers
        (see 12/19 deadline)

Access to the General Ledger module, not including Direct Retros, will be restored when UCPath goes live with the new Chart of Accounts on January 8, 2024.

Direct retro functionality will be replaced by the Salary Cost Transfer process. Read more about the UCPath Salary Cost Transfer Redesign.

*UC ANR Funding Entry freeze date is December 1, 2023; Salary Cost Transfer and Direct Retro dates follow campus SCT deadline, 12/10/23, DR deadline 12/19/23.

January 5 - 7, 2024UCPath system cutover. 
January 8, 2024UCPath goes live with the new Chart of Accounts.The system will be updated with the converted funding distributions.

Posted 12/07/2023


New Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) Tool 

Starting November 13, 2023, there will be a new custom Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) tool available at UC Davis. This tool is aimed at increasing stability and reducing the current complexity when performing SCT-related entry (Direct Retro) and processing. Please refer to the UCPath Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) Redesign website for more information. 

Please note the following:

  • After November 13, users will see both the Direct Retro and Salary Cost Transfer options in UCPath. 
  • The Direct retro will only be used for payroll expenses that have had a previous Direct retro or benefit Cost transfer completed on it or for payroll expenses prior to October 2021.
  • The Direct Retro tool will be discontinued and will no longer be available for use after January 1, 2024

Posted 11/09/2023

UCPath is having system issues with redirects causing the redirect functionality to fail. We are working with the UCPath Center to solve these issues and hope to have the redirect functionality working soon. Departments should continue to submit redirect requests. Redirect requests received will be set up in UCPath when the system issues are resolved. Posted 7/20/2023
Earn Codes No Longer Assessing VLA
Starting in June 2022, earnings codes that are not eligible to accrue vacation hours will no longer assess vacation leave (VLA) expense.  Click here for a complete list of changed earning codes. Posted 8/2/2022
GAEL Assessment 
Starting 7/1/2022 GAEL will no longer be assessed in UCPath for employees in the DVCMP Business Unit. Instead, GAEL will be allocated similar to other campus-wide assessments. Refer to the Finance and Business GAEL website for additional information. Posted on 5/25/2022
PFCB Reimbursement
UC Davis campus departments will be reimbursed on a monthly basis for salary expenses recorded under earnings codes PFL and PFN. Reimbursements will be processed via Journal Voucher (JV) in KFS and available in FIS DS reporting. Note that Cognos reports will not display the reimbursement. Visit the Pay for Family Care and Bonding Reimbursement Program webpage for more information. Originally Posted 9/13/2021

Tips | Direct Retros (Salary Cost Transfers)


In the New Data section, change all distribution rows to the Department FAU(s) and select "Apply WS" in the dropdown for each row. When the Direct Retro is processed, the Work Study split will be calculated. For more on processing transfers for Work-Study, see the eLearning & Job Aids section of this web page.

Multiple Paychecks

If multiple paychecks (pay periods) are selected when performing a Direct Retro, you must make changes for each paycheck. To view all paychecks, click the 'View All' link at the top right of the Check Earnings section.

In addition, some Direct Retro (Salary Cost Transfer) IDs were not appearing in the ledgers, instead the document field contained a value starting with “PT.” This issue was fixed by the UCPath Center on 9/2/2020. Cognos reports will update the document column to display the “DR” number, including history. FIS DS will not correct the document column in history.

Tips | Funding Information

Effective Dates

Effective Dates and Sequence numbers control which entry will be in effect. If you need to enter Funding that falls into a period of time between two existing Funding Entries, be sure to click the + sign that falls between the two entries, not at the top of the page. If there is an incorrect entry, you can enter a second Funding Entry record with the same Effective dates and it will have a higher Sequence number. Whichever entry for a given date that has the highest sequence number is the one that will be used for funding distributions.

Object Code Derivation

UCPath will derive the Object Code for funding distributions based on the rules described in this Job Aid. When a user enters funding distributions in UCPath Funding Entry, the Object Code is not displayed on screen. The Object Code will be derived when pay is processed and appear on ledgers. For more information on the use of Object Codes, go to the Accounting & Financial Reporting website.

Archive | System Updates | Finance Functions in UCPath

Assessment Rate

Assessment Rate corrections posted to the General Ledger in August 2021 for the last batch of Direct Retros processed for Fiscal Year 2020-21. These Direct Retros were incorrectly assessed at the Fiscal Year 2021-22 rates. 

Corrections were processed in KFS in August 2021 and will appear in FIS DS only, they will not appear in Cognos. Reference JV Doc #62428882 & 62457857 (ANR), 62429311 (MC), GLJV Reference DRRtAdj2 (Campus). Posted 9/13/2021

CBR for Leave No Pay
As of 2/1/2022, UCPath will assess CBR on net earnings when a “leave with no pay” earn code, such as LNP, offsets regular pay. This change means that the CBR assessment on CBR-eligible earnings, such as REG will be reduced. This will ensure that funding sources will not be overassessed for CBR costs when “leave with no pay” earn codes are used.  Leave with no pay earn codes include L8F, L8P, LNF, LNP, L9F, L9P, LPJ, LVC, LVN, LFN, LPN, L7F, L7P. Posted 2/14/2022
Comp Data on MCOP Worksheet
Starting around June 2021, there were discrepancies in the Funding Entry page and Funding Entry Inquiry page when viewing the Salary Cap/MCOP Funding Worksheet Compensation Data Snapshot. A fix was implemented by the UCPath Center in April 2022. This fix ensures the compensation data is consistent across pages. Posted on 5/5/2022
Direct Retros - Double Posting Correction

A single group of Direct Retros (Salary Cost Transfers) posted twice to the General Ledger, once in September 2021 and again in October 2021.


  • The September 2021 transactions reference “PT00004867” as the Document Number
  • The October 2021 transactions reference the correct individual Direct Retro # as the Document Number

Corrections to reverse the transactions posted in September 2021 have been processed and will appear in the October 2021 accounting period.  The reversal transactions were processed in KFS as a GLJV, using the following references:

  • Document Number: “RevPT4867”
  • Tracking #: “PT4867rv”
  • Transaction Description: “Reverse Dup DR Posting PT00004867 Sep21”

Cognos UCP-339 Expense Distribution report does not reflect the duplicate posting, however, the impacted Direct Retros will appear in the “03 (Sep)” Fiscal Month. Posted 10/29/2021

Direct Retro Zero Rows

Starting around December 2021, some Direct Retros were appearing with additional rows that had a zero dollar amount. These rows were not editable and preventing users from saving or submitting the Direct Retro. The UCPath Center has implemented a fix at the end of March 2022. With the fix in place, the additional rows do not appear at all, or they appear but are editable with a minus  symbol allowing users to delete the row and proceed with completing the transaction. Posted 4/5/2022

FAU Order of Appearance Change
On December 12, 2022, UCPath transactional users with access to GL pages will see the Full Accounting Unit (FAU), also referred to as Chart of Accounts (COA), displayed in a different order. No functionality will change; only the order of FAU elements displayed on the screen will change. These changes are being made to align all UC locations on a common chart of accounts and prepare UC Davis for the move to Aggie Enterprise. Refer to the before and after order screenshots herePosted 12/8/2022
HComp Takes
Update: Since January 2021, some HCOMP Faculty’s vacation, holiday and sick leave taken were charged to the default FAU causing the need for numerous cost transfers. The UCPC has been making incremental improvements with the latest fix implemented at the end of March 2022. These improvements have greatly reduced the number of charges to default, but not eliminated them completely. If you have an HCOMP vacation, holiday or sick taken charged to the default FAU but are unable to distribute the corresponding credit across HSR, HSP, HSN via Direct Retro, please submit the DR number, Employee ID and Employee Record, and pay end date to the Help Desk at ucpath@ucdavis.eduOriginally Posted 9/13/2021. Updated 4/5/2022
PUM Upgrade Cutover

UCPath will undergo an upgrade in December and the system will be unavailable from December 10 - 13.

During this time period, GL users will not have access to UCPath and will not be able to:

  • View, create, approve, or deny Funding Entry transactions
  • View, create, approve, or deny Direct Retro (Salary Cost Transfers) 

The UCPath Center (UCPC) has recommended approving/denying or cancelling, all transactions prior to December 10.

Additionally, once the system is back up, UCPC suggests that users keep a record of their transactions from December 14 - 28 as an extra precaution during the upgrade cutover. This list should be kept internally and can be archived in January. A list of current pending transactions is posted here

UCPath PUM Upgrade information can be found on the UCPath website. Posted 12/3/2021

Salary Cap Rate Changes
Effective February 1, 2022, the United States Agency for Internal Development (USA) salary cap rate will be updated to $187,300 and the Health and Human Services (HHS) salary cap rate, which includes National Institutes of Health (NIH), to $203,700. Posted 1/31/2022
Salary Cap Rate Update for Grants and Cooperative Agreements

Effective January 1, 2023, the salary cap rates for Health and Human Services (HHS), National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NFA), National Institute of Justice (NIJ), National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMS), United States Agency for International Development (USA), and Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALF), have been updated in UCPath.

The salary cap rate updates are the following:

Cap Type

Cap Type Description

Cap Rate

Effective Date


Health and Human Services




National Institute of Food and Agriculture




Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation




United States Agency for International Development




National Institute of Justice




National Multiple Sclerosis Society



 Posted 2/2/2023

Takes in Arrears
In January 2021, UCPath was updated so that when an employee reports takes in arrears will be charged to the FAU from the performance period. For example, a monthly paid employee’s vacation taken is reported in February for January vacation. The January funding distribution will be used to charge the vacation, not the February funding distribution. Posted 9/13/2021
Tracking COVID-19 Costs for UC Davis Medical Center

COVID-19 will have financial implications for UC Davis Medical Center and we will want to track direct and incremental costs for the organization. The situation for UC Davis Health continues to develop, therefore, these guidelines will be updated and expanded as the response to COVID-19 continues to evolve. Objective: to meet financial reporting requirements related to California Department of Finance, FEMA, 1135 Waiver, CAPH, UCOP and Executive Leadership.

Please see the guidelines here and the instructions on processing Direct Retro cost transfers here. (Note that the guide has revision marks visible to provide visibility into what has changed since initial release.)

UCPath RPNI (8690) - Duplicate Posting Correction

In September/October 2020 duplication of RPNI (Object Code 8690) transaction amounts for Direct Retros were received from UCPath and posted to the General Ledger.  Corrections to reverse these transactions have been processed and will appear in the November 2021 accounting period.

The transactions were processed in KFS as a GLJV referencing the following information:

Document Number

Tracking #

*Transaction Description



BI-WEEKLY PPE 05-SEP-20 DR00000xxxxxx



BI-WEEKLY PPE 19-SEP-20 DR00000xxxxxx



MONTHLY PPE 30-SEP-20 DR00000xxxxxx



BI-WEEKLY PPE 03-OCT-20 DR00000xxxxxx



BI-WEEKLY PPE 17-OCT-20 DR00000xxxxxx



MONTHLY PPE 31-OCT-20 DR00000xxxxxx

* Note that the Direct Retro # is referenced in the Transaction Description

Cognos UCP-339 Payroll Expense Distribution report will not show the duplicate posting of RPNI as of November 2021.  In FIS DS the original transactions appear in FY2021 “03 (Sep)” and “04 (Oct)” Fiscal Month, with the reversal transactions appearing in FY2022 “(05) Nov” Fiscal Month. 

A list of transaction lines can be found herePosted 12/8/2021

Archive | Fiscal Year End 2024 Processes

Fiscal Year End 2024 Processes

Date Originally Posted: June, 2024

As we approach fiscal year end, we’ve compiled a list of considerations for UCPath processes.  To see all UCPath Finance/GL Fiscal Year End reference documents and notifications, please visit this Box Folder (Note: Access is permitted only to those with UC Davis system Access).

The Aggie Enterprise Fiscal Close website is the primary source of fiscal close information.

UCPath Funding Rollover

UCPath records funding by fiscal year.  This requires a process to roll funding over into the new fiscal year.  Learn more about this process in this guide

Funding Entry Moratorium

To facilitate the UCPath year-end funding rollover process, users should not initiate, save, submit, or approve Funding Entry transactions between 8:00 AM June 21st and 12:00 PM June 27th, 2024.

Assessment Rate Changes

Composite Benefit Rate (CBR), Vacation Leave, and General Auto Employment Liability (GAEL) assessment rates will be updated for Fiscal Year 2024-2025.  These rates are published to the Finance & Business website.

Work Study

2023-2024 Work-Study awards end on 6/30/2024. The following bi-weekly pay periods will be the last opportunity to report Work-Study working hours for 2023-2024. Any retroactive transactions beyond these pay periods are restricted:

  • Monthly pay period ending 6/30/2024 for GSR Work-Study;
  • The B1 bi-weekly pay period ending 6/22/2024 and
  • The B2 bi-weekly pay period ending 7/6/2024. Note this pay period contains 8 calendar days in June. These are the only days 2023-2024 Work-Study award can be applied to.

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the department to ensure Work-Study is charged correctly and in a timely manner.

Work Study Key Dates
Please visit the Fiscal Close website for important dates and reminders for processing 2023-2024 Year-end Work-Study:
The B1 bi-weekly pay period 6/9/2024 - 6/22/2024
  • 6/9/24: First day to enter hours on the timesheet for B1 payroll for reporting student Work-Study.
  • 6/21/24 5:00PM: Employees must submit their final timesheets to their supervisor for approval.
  • 6/24/24 12:00PM: Supervisors must approve employee’s timesheets to report Work-Study hours.
  • 6/25/24 12:00PM: DTAs must approve Work-Study payroll in TRS by 12:00 noon.
The B2 bi-weekly pay period 6/23/2024 – 7/6/2024
  • 6/23/24: First day to enter hours on the timesheet for B2 payroll for reporting student Work-Study.
  • 7/5/24 5:00PM: Employees must submit their final timesheets to their supervisor for approval.
  • 7/8/24 12:00PM: Supervisors must approve employee’s timesheets to report Work-Study hours.
  • 7/9/24 12:00PM: DTAs must approve Work-Study payroll in TRS by 12:00 noon.
Salary Cost Transfer Deadline

Salary Cost Transfer transactions must be fully approved in UCPath by 8:00PM on July 7th.  The UCPath Center batch processing schedule is available on the UCD UCPath website.  There will be 4 Salary Cost Transfers batch processes in June.

Now that all locations are using UCPath, Salary Cost Transfer transaction volume is expected to be high. It is recommended to process transfers as soon as the need is identified.

Clearing Payroll Expenses in Default COAs

Please read this document for guidelines and deadlines.

Key Dates 2024
  • Ongoing: review and correct expenses charged to DEFAULT, SUSPENSE and ERROR COAs
  • 6/20/24 5:00PM: Fully approve Funding Entry for the next Fiscal Year 2025 (7/1/24 effective date) prior to the UCPath Funding Rollover process
  • 6/20/24 5:00PM: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the June monthly pay period end 6/30/2024
  • 6/20/24 5:00PM: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the June bi-weekly pay period end 6/22/2024
  • 6/21/24 – 6/27/24: Funding Entry Moratorium – do not enter, submit, or approve Funding Entry transactions
  • 7/8/24: Funding roll-over exception report available in Box and from the UCPath website
  • 7/7/24 8:00PM: Fully approve Salary Cost Transfers in UCPath to post to the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year
  • Update Funding Entry as needed before the July pay confirm
    • 7/10/24 7:00PM: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the July bi-weekly pay period end 7/6/2024
    • 7/25/24 7:00PM: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the July monthly pay period end 7/31/2024

At-a-glance: Payroll Processing Dates 2024

UCPath Funding Entry Schedule
Approve Funding EntryPay BeginPay End Run IDLabor Ledger - Detail*
06/20/24 7:00PM6/1/20246/30/2024MO240630M0X6/28/2024
06/20/24 7:00PM6/09/20246/22/2024BW240622B1X7/1/2024
07/10/24 7:00PM6/23/20247/6/2024BW240706B2X7/18/2024
07/24/24 7:00PM7/7/20247/20/2024BW240720B1X7/29/2024
07/25/24 7:00PM7/1/20247/31/2024MO240731M0X7/30/2024

*Data may appear one day after the date displayed


UCPath Salary Cost Transfer Batch Schedule
Approve Salary Cost Transfer

UCPC Batch Process

Posted to the Labor Ledger*


6/4/2024 - 6/5/2024









6/20/2024 - 6/21/2024



- final for FY 23-24

7/8/2024 – 7/10/2024





7/17/24 5:00PM
 - first for FY 24-25



*Data may appear one day after the date displayed

Archive | Fiscal Year End 2023 Processes

Historical Reference: Fiscal Year End 2023 Processes

Date Originally Posted: May, 2023

As we approach fiscal year end, we’ve compiled a list of considerations for UCPath processes.  To see all UCPath Finance/GL Fiscal Year End reference documents and notifications, please visit this Box Folder (Note: Access is permitted only to those with UC Davis system Access).

The Finance & Business Fiscal Close website remains the primary source of fiscal close information. 

UCPath Funding Rollover

UCPath records funding by fiscal year.  This requires a process to roll funding over into the new fiscal year.  Learn more about this process in this guide.  

Funding Entry Moratorium

To facilitate the UCPath year-end funding rollover process, users should not initiate, save, submit, or approve Funding Entry transactions between 8:00 AM June 23rd and 12:00 PM June 29th, 2023. 

Assessment Rate Changes

Composite Benefit Rate (CBR), Vacation Leave, and General Auto Employment Liability (GAEL) assessment rates will be updated for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.  These rates are published to the Finance & Business website.

Work Study

The Biweekly Pay Period ending 06/24/23 will be your last opportunity to report Work-Study working hours for 2022-2023.  Visit the Fiscal Close calendar for important dates and reminders for processing 2022-23 Year-end Work-Study.

Direct Retro (Salary Cost Transfer) Deadline

Direct Retro transactions must be fully approved in UCPath by 5:00PM on July 7th.  The UCPath Center batch processing schedule is available on the UCD UCPath website.  There will be 4 Direct Retro batch processes in May and 5 batch processes in June.

Now that all locations are using UCPath, Direct Retro transaction volume is expected to be high. It is recommended to process transfers as soon as the need is identified.

Clearing Payroll Expenses in Default FAUs

Please read this document for guidelines and deadlines.

Key Dates 2023
  • Ongoing: review and correct expenses charged to DEFLT, SUSPN and ERROR Sub Accounts
  • 6/22 5PM: Fully approve Funding Entry for the next Fiscal Year 2024 (7/1/2023 effective date) prior to the UCPath Funding Rollover process
  • 6/22 5PM: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the June monthly pay period end 6/30/2023
  • 6/22 5PM: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the June bi-weekly pay period end 6/24/2023
  • 6/23 – 6/29: Funding Entry Moratorium – do not enter, submit, or approve Funding Entry transactions
  • 7/3: Funding roll-over exception report available in Box and from the UCPath website
  • 7/7 5:00PM: Fully approve Direct Retros (Salary Cost Transfers) in UCPath to post to the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year
  • Update Funding Entry as needed before the July pay confirm
    • 7/12 7PM: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the July bi-weekly pay period end 7/8/2023
    • 7/25 7PM: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the July monthly pay period end 7/31/2023

At-a-glance: Payroll Processing Dates 2023

UCPath Funding Entry Schedule
Approve Funding EntryPay BeginPay End Run IDLabor Ledger - Detail*
06/22/23 7:00PM6/1/20236/30/2023MO230630M0X6/28/2023
06/22/23 7:00PM6/11/20236/24/2023BW230624B1X7/3/2023
07/12/23 7:00PM6/25/20237/8/2023BW230708B2X7/17/2023
07/25/23 7:00PM7/1/20237/31/2023MO230731M0X7/28/2023
07/26/23 7:00PM7/9/20237/22/2023BW230722B1X7/31/2023

*Data may appear one day after the date displayed


UCPath Cost Transfer Batch Schedule
Approve Direct RetroUCPC Batch ProcessPosted to the Labor Ledger*
6/2/23 5:00PM6/5-6/236/7/2023
6/6/23 5:00PM6/7-8/236/9/2023
6/9/23 5:00PM6/12-13/236/14/2023
6/16/23 11:00AM6/20-21/236/22/2023
6/21/23 5:00PM6/22-23/236/24/2023
7/7/23 5:00PM
- final for FY 22-23
7/19/23 5:00PM
 - first for FY 23-24

*Data may appear one day after the date displayed

Archive | Fiscal Year End 2022 Processes

Historical Reference: Fiscal Year End 2022 Processes

Date Originally Posted: June, 2022

As we approach fiscal year end, we’ve compiled a list of considerations for UCPath processes.  To see all UCPath Finance/GL Fiscal Year End reference documents and notifications, please visit this Box Folder (Note: Access is permitted only to those with UC Davis system Access).

The Finance & Business Fiscal Close website remains the primary source of fiscal close information. 

UCPath Funding Rollover

UCPath records funding by fiscal year.  This requires a process to roll funding over into the new fiscal year.  Learn more about this process in this guide.  

Funding Entry Moratorium

To facilitate the UCPath year-end funding rollover process, users should not initiate, save, submit, or approve Funding Entry transactions between June 24th and June 30th, 2022. 

Assessment Rate Changes

Composite Benefit Rate (CBR), Vacation Leave, and General Auto Employment Liability (GAEL) assessment rates will be updated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023.  These rates are published to the Finance & Business website.

Work Study

The Biweekly Pay Period ending 06/25/22 will be your last opportunity to report Work-Study working hours for 2021-2022.  Visit the Fiscal Close calendar for important dates and reminders for processing 2021-22 Year-end Work-Study.

Direct Retro (Salary Cost Transfer) Deadline

Direct Retro transactions must be fully approved in UCPath by 5:00PM on July 5th.  The UCPath Center batch processing schedule is available on the UCD UCPath website.  There will be 4 Direct Retro batch processes in May and 5 batch processes in June.

Now that all locations are using UCPath, Direct Retro transaction volume is expected to be high. It is recommended to process transfers as soon as the need is identified.

Clearing Payroll Expenses in Default FAUs

Please read this document for guidelines and deadlines.


Key Dates 2022

  • Ongoing: review and correct expenses charged to DEFLT, SUSPN and ERROR Sub Accounts
  • 6/23 5PM: Fully approve Funding Entry for the next Fiscal Year 2023 (7/1/2022 effective date) prior to the UCPath Funding Rollover process
  • 6/23 5PM: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the June monthly pay period end 6/30/2022
  • 6/23 5PM: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the June bi-weekly pay period end 6/25/2022
  • 6/24 – 6/30: Funding Entry Moratorium – do not enter, submit, or approve Funding Entry transactions
  • 7/4: Funding roll-over exception report available in Box and from the UCPath website
  • 7/5 5:00PM: Fully approve Direct Retros (Salary Cost Transfers) in UCPath to post to the 2021-2022 fiscal Year
  • Update Funding Entry as needed before the July pay confirm
    • 7/13 7PM: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the July bi-weekly pay period end 7/9/2022
    • 7/25 7PM: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the July monthly pay period end 7/31/2022

At-a-glance: Payroll Processing Dates 2022


UCPath Funding Entry Schedule

Approve Funding Entry

Pay Begin

Pay End


Run ID

Labor Ledger - Detail*

06/23/22 7:00PM






06/23/22 7:00PM






07/13/22 7:00PM






07/25/22 7:00PM






07/27/22 7:00PM






*Data may appear one day after the date displayed



UCPath Cost Transfer Batch Schedule

Approve Direct Retro

UCPC Batch Process

Posted to the Labor Ledger*

06/06/22 5:00PM



06/08/22 5:00PM



06/10/22 5:00PM



06/17/22 5:00PM



06/22/22 5:00PM



07/05/22 5:00PM
- final for FY 21-22



*Data may appear one day after the date displayed


07/10/22 5:00PM
 - first for FY 22-23



Archive | Fiscal Year End 2021 Processes

Historical Reference: Fiscal Year End 2021 Processes

Date Originally Posted: June, 2021

As we approach fiscal year end, we’ve compiled a list of considerations for UCPath processes. To see all UCPath Finance/GL Fiscal Year End reference documents and notifications, please visit this Box Folder (Note: Access is permitted only to those with UC Davis system Access).

The Finance and Business Fiscal Close website remains the primary source of fiscal close information. 

UCPath Funding Rollover

UCPath records funding by fiscal year. This requires a process to roll funding over into the new fiscal year. Learn more about this process in this guide.  

Funding Entry Moratorium

To facilitate the UCPath year-end funding rollover process, users should not initiate, save, submit or approve Funding Entry transactions between June 24 and June 30, 2021. 

Assessment Rate Changes

Composite Benefit Rate (CBR), Vacation Leave, and General Auto Employment Liability (GAEL) assessment rates will be updated for Fiscal Year 2021–2022. These rates will be published to the Finance and Business website.

Work Study

The Biweekly Pay Period ending June 26, 2021 will be your last opportunity to report Work-Study working hours for 2020–2021. Visit the Fiscal Close calendar for important dates and reminders for processing 2020–21 Year-end Work-Study.

Direct Retro (Salary Cost Transfer) Deadline

Direct Retro transactions must be fully approved in UCPath by 5 p.m. on July 6. 

The systemwide volume for Direct Retros will be increased this year with the addition of two more campuses to UCPath. It is highly recommended to process transfers as soon as the need is identified.

Clearing Payroll Expenses in Default FAUs

Please read this document for guidelines and deadlines.

Key Dates 2021

  • Ongoing: review and correct expenses charged to DEFLT, SUSPN and ERROR Sub Accounts
  • June 23 at 7 p.m.: Fully approve Funding Entry for the next Fiscal Year 2022 (July 1, 2021 effective date) prior to the UCPath Funding Rollover process
  • June 23 at 7 p.m.: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the June monthly pay period end 6/30/2021
  • June 24–30: Funding Entry Moratorium – do not enter, submit, or approve Funding Entry transactions
  • June 30 at 7 p.m.: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the June bi-weekly pay period end June 26, 2021
  • July 6 at 5 p.m.: Fully approve Direct Retros (Salary Cost Transfers) in UCPath to post to the 2020–2021 fiscal Year 
  • Update Funding Entry as needed before the July pay confirm
    • July 14 at 7 p.m.: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the July bi-weekly pay period end 7/10/2021
    • July 26 at 7 p.m.: Fully approve Funding Entry for changes to the July monthly pay period end July 31, 2021

Archive | Fiscal Year End 2020 Processes

Historical Reference: Fiscal Year End 2020 Processes

Date Originally Posted: June, 2020

As we approach fiscal year end, we’ve compiled a list of considerations for UCPath processes.  To see all Fiscal Year End reference documents and notifications, please visit this Box Folder(Note: Access is permitted only to those with UC Davis system access.)

The Finance & Business Fiscal Close website remains the primary source of fiscal close information. 

UCPath Funding Rollover

UCPath records funding by fiscal year.  This requires a process to roll funding over into the new fiscal year.  Learn more about this process in this guide.  

  • Exception Reports will be available soon in this Box Folder and in the guide linked above.

Funding Entry Moratorium

To facilitate the UCPath year-end funding rollover process, users should not initiate, save, submit or approve Funding Entry transactions between 6/25 – 6/26 and between 6/29 – 6/30. 

Assessment Rate Changes

Composite Benefit Rate (CBR), Vacation Leave, and General Auto Employment Liability (GAEL) assessment rates will be updated for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.  These rates will be published to the Finance & Business website.

Work Study

As communicated in the 6/5 email from the Finance FIS Help Desk, the B1 Biweekly Pay Period ending 06/27/20 will be your last opportunity to report Work-Study working hours for 2019-2020.  Visit the Fiscal Close website for important dates and reminders for processing 2019-20 Year-end Work-Study.

Direct Retro (Salary Cost Transfer) Deadline

Direct Retro transactions must be fully approved in UCPath by 5:00PM on 7/6.

Clearing Payroll Expenses in Default FAUs

Please read this document for guidelines and deadlines.

Key Actions & Dates 

  • Ongoing: review and correct salary and benefit expenses charged to DEFLT, SUSPN and ERROR Sub Accounts
  • 6/17: Fully approve Funding Entry changes for 6/13 Bi-weekly B2 pay
  • 6/24: Fully approve Funding Entry that requires the Salary Cap/MCOP Worksheet prior to the MCOP Funding Rollover process
  • 6/25 - 6/26: Funding Entry Moratorium – do not enter, submit, or approve Funding Entry transactions
  • 6/26: Fully approve Funding Entry prior to the UCPath Funding Rollover process
  • 6/28: Fully approve Funding Entry changes for 6/30 Monthly pay
  • 6/29 - 6/30: Funding Entry Moratorium – do not enter, submit, or approve Funding Entry transactions
  • 7/6 5PM: Fully approve Direct Retros (Salary Cost Transfers) in UCPath in order to post to the 2019-2020 fiscal year
  • Update Funding Entry as needed before the July pay confirm
      • 7/15 Fully approve Funding Entry for July Bi-weekly (B2) (pay period end 7/11/20)
      • 7/26 Fully approve Funding Entry for July Monthly (pay period end 7/31/20)

Other General Deadlines and Timing

  • Ledger Updates: Direct Retros are posted to the ledger one to three times per week.  Once the Direct Retro is fully approved, the UCPath Center will run the batch process to post it to the ledger on weeknights when there is not a payroll confirm process (e.g. on weeknights when there is no monthly, bi-weekly or off-cycle pay confirm).  
  • Direct Retro Timing: Cost transfers onto Federal or Federal Flow Through funds must be completed within 120 days from the pay date.
  • Funding Entry Timing: To have a funding entry be in effect before payroll is processed, the Funding Entry needs to be Approved before the Pay Confirm Date on the UCPath Processing schedule available on this web page. 
  • KFS SET Retirement: The last day for processing Salary Expense Transfers in Kuali Financial Systems is May 29, 2020.  Any SETs that are "enroute/not fully executed" after this date will be cancelled.