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Gender Identity and Pronouns Featured in July Release

Quick Summary

  • After July 15, 2024, UC employees will be able to select their pronouns and choose from more inclusive gender identity and sexual orientation selections in UCPath. The next time employees log in, they will be prompted to update their personal information.

The UCPath July release marks a major milestone in efforts to adopt the University of California’s Gender Recognition and Lived Name (GRLN) policy. Although it is optional, employees are highly encouraged to provide their pronouns, gender and sexual orientation to more accurately reflect their identity in UCPath. This information enables the University of California to understand the demographic profile of the university community and assess gender equity across the UC system. 

How to update your personal profile 

After July 15, 2024, a page for updating your personal profile will appear when you log in to UCPath. This will take you through a series of steps to update your self-identification details. You must click through these steps to proceed to UCPath.  

Remember, this information is voluntary and you may select “Decline to state.”  

Screen capture of pop-up window: Update Self-Identification Details
Screen capture of pop-up window

For current employees, your former selection for gender identity will appear. If you had previously selected a sexual orientation that is no longer available in UCPath, the sexual orientation field will be blank.  

Once complete, this information will update immediately in UCPath. If additional changes are needed, or if you would like to update other self-identification details, such as race and ethnicity, veteran status, and disability status, go to: Employee Actions > Personal Information > Self-Identification Details.  

Please note that the Self-Identification Details page looks different than the rest of the Employee Self Service Portal.  

Screen capture of new Self-Identification Details page
Screen capture of new Self-Identification Details page

Where does this information appear in UCPath?  

Sexual orientation and gender identity selections are confidential, but pronouns are not.  

Pronouns display in UCPath Employee Self-Service, Manager Self-Service, Ask UCPath and transactor pages. If you do not want to share your pronouns, you may select “Decline to state.” Pronouns do not display on pages that contain your legal name. 

In the UCPath Candidate Gateway for internal applicants, the Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation section will be hidden. In the Candidate Gateway for external applicants, an updated Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation section be visible, but pronouns will be hidden.  

Where does this information appear outside of UCPath?  

Pronoun data in UCPath may appear in reports and downstream systems, as required. While changes in UCPath are immediate, downstream systems, like the UC Davis online directory, may take longer to update.  

Please note: Student employees will be prompted to update their gender identity and sexual orientation selections in UCPath along with other employees, but unlike other employees, student employees must update the online directory separately. Student employee data in UCPath does not feed the online directory. 


To learn more about the steps to update your self-identification information, review these recommended resources: 


The July release is part of the UCPath Gender Identity and Pronouns Project, which aligns with the Gender Recognition and Lived Name Initiative, a coordinated effort at the campus, systemwide and statewide level to recognize individuals’ lived name, gender identity and sexual orientation.  

This information helps the University of California understand the demographic profile of the university community and assess gender equity. The UCPath Gender Identity and Pronouns Project is part of an effort to document lived names and more inclusive gender identities in IT and data systems for students, faculty, staff and campus affiliates. University of California campuses are also working to ensure that all individuals have university-issued identification documents and displays of personal identification information that recognize their accurate gender identity and lived name.  

As a public institution, the university also collects gender identity data for the purposes of federal reporting. 

UCPath Roadmap 

The July release is part of the UCPath Roadmap, a series of projects and upgrades planned for UCPath. Learn more   

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